
March 04, 2017

Home Alone

heeee seronoknya kene tinggal dekat rumah sorang sorang hari ni. 😄😄😄 Bukan dekat rumah sangat pun.. dekat vl cyber ni la haha. Anyway, kenapa best? Sebab solat boleh doa kuat kuat. Orang tak dengar. Kalau menangis pun takpe. Boleh conquer rumah hihi. Dia buat solat jadi lagi best. Lepas solat boleh mengadu lama lama. Selama yang mungkin sampai rasa puas. Tapi rugi satu benda. Solat sorang sorang, pahala satu. Solat ramai2, kali 27. Emm itulah ruginya satu. Okay ciao. Pro exam in 97 days. Ahh takutnyaaa! study dulu. Ciao.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ~

March 03, 2017

My Dilemma

Rusydina kembali menulis bertemankan earphone di telinga mendendang aman lagu Harus Aku by Sufian Suhaimi. Hah aman rasanya. Tapi biasalah seorang Rusydina ni. Fikiran dia mana pernah aman. Kalau takde masalah diri sendiri, mula lah fikir masalah orang lain. haha apa orang kata? Busybody. Aku ah tu.

(Tiba tiba Rusydina ni menongkat dagu fikirkan apa yang dalam fikiran dia ni haa. Lama pulak tu.)

Huh. Tak tahu. Rasa macam laju je otak ni fikir. tangan pulak terkedek kedek menaip tp gedik nak taip jugak.

i dont know guys. I hate being in this phase. What phase?


I dont know. I dont what to explain anymore. Banyak sangat fikir that i stopped in the middle of the writing and finish my thinking. Now that I have finished my thinking, i dont want to think again to write about it. haha.

sorry la not a naturally born as a writer. Im born as a thinker haha.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ~

October 06, 2016

The Real Aim

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ~

How I wish I could be someone approachable. Someone who can make someone else smile just by looking. I wish I could give benefits to everyone I encounter. To fulfill their hope every time they come up to me seeking for help. How I wish my heart could be as clean so that there is not such thing as 'this guy is trying to take advantage of me.' I want to be pure and innocent to always see the good in everyone. I want to be caught smiling even if i'm not aware of people looking. I want my sadness to bury deep. Deep inside so that all people can see from me is what good the life could offer. Despite the thorns along the path of life, focusing on only what good it could bring. La tahzan innallaha ma'ana. Don't be sad Allah is with us. Feel the presence of Allah always and never be sad. Smile.

Now I ask you a question: What is life all about? Allow me to answer. It's all about Allah. 'And I did not created the Jinn and humans except to worship Me.' That should be easy. Just follow the Quran and Sunnah. Right? But then, there are Syaitan and Nafs. This is where the struggle comes in. It's hard since our Imaan is not in a one way direction. It will not only go up and up day by day and gain the 'perfect Imaan' as we reach old age. It doesn't work that way. It's a wave. There's up and there's down. They say tajdid your niat always in everything you do. So that you won't go astray from the true path. But we're humans. We forget. We want luxury. We want the world. What about akhirah? "Let me take a rest and enjoy the dunya for a while." "Its hard." "It's tiring." Yea, very true. Because what we aim for is the Heaven and the Heaven is expensive. It won't be easy. But it definitely worth the struggle.

September 30, 2016

Post-Exam Discussions?

Sat for Haematology Exam this morning.

"Izinkan aku bertawakkal kepada Mu dengan mudah Ya Allah."

That's what I said to myself at the end of the exam. I don't know why. It's not a routine. I've never did that before. I didn't plan, it just came out of my mouth.

Later, after I came out of the exam hall, like always, the people was buzzing. I'm sure they're discussing the questions. I walked away. It is just something I do not prefer to do. To me, leave the past in the past. If you really want to discuss on the topics, discuss it before the exam. At least, its beneficial. So, yea. I avoided them.

After the exam, we had a Grand Reflection in the auditorium. It's a routine after every exam. We discussed on the SWOT of the course. In the audi, my roommate cried. Because of the answer she changed last minute. I was temped to asked which question, what did she answered, what's the correct answer. But I didn't. I know I can't handle disappointment well. So, I just tapped her back.

Later, I reached home. Get into my room. As I was settling down, my Housemates came in and discussed. I had no choice but to hear them. Guess what? I regretted. I was disappointed with the answers I wrote. I stayed quiet along the discussion. Didn't say a word. I was stressed out.

But then, I was reminded of the du'a I made earlier. "Izinkan aku bertawakkal kepada Mu dengan mudah Ya Allah." I calmed down that instant. Alhamdulillah for everything. :)

What is SWOT? Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat of the course.

May 08, 2016

Perangai tetap sama je

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ~

"Acah je kau nak ajak aku. Kau pergi ceramah tu ceramah ni perangai kau mcam tu jugak. Galak tetap galak. Tu yang aku malas tu."

Sebab tu lah aku pergi. Kau nampak tak? Kalau aku pergi ceramah sana sini pun, perangai aku tetap sama. Tapi aku mengharapkan hati aku bergetar. Tak keras. Boleh menerima. Aku harap balik tu otak aku berfikir. Yes, after every ceramah or majlis ilmu, akan buat aku berfikir. Reflect balik diri sendiri.

Tapi aku mintak maaf, aku x mampu nak ubah cara aku hidup selama 20 tahun dalam sekelip mata. Sorry aku tak dapat nak amalkan value drpd ceramah tu sekelip mata. Aku ubah sikit-sikit. Mungkin sebab kau tak kenal aku sangat, kau cakap perangai aku sama je. Tapi yang hidup dengan aku, perhati aku, tahu perangai aku berubah2 ikut turun naik iman aku.

Betul. Iman aku rapuh. Dia naik turun. Kau sendiri cakap perangai aku sama je walaupun dengar ceramah sana sini. So, kau boleh bayang tak betapa teruknya aku boleh jadi sehari-hari kalau aku x pergi majlis ilmu.

Aku bukan apa. Sebab dia benda baik. Benda best majlis ilmu ni. Tapi masalahnya, aku x reti nak sampaikan dekat kau sama macam apa yang majlis ilmu tu bagi dekat aku. So, aku nak kau rasa jugak macam mana bestnya pergi majlis ilmu. Sebab sayang.

Tapi kalau kau nak tengok aku berubah jadi sebaik malaikat dulu, aku takut dah terlambat nanti. Lagipun, majlis ilmu kan taman syurga. Kalau tido dalam majlis ilmu pun dapat pahala. Kau pergi je, nak sambil buat assignment pun ape.

Cuba je. Tak rugi.